Wednesday, April 13, 2011

American Girl Club - Julie - Week 2

First off I have to show you what my daughter and I wore to week 2 of Julie!

Here is an up close shot....

And a full length shot...
My daughters outfit is basically the same as she wore for week one except we found CLOGS!  LOL
They are a tiny bit big for her.  But, she loves them!  It's funny to watch her clomp around in them. She has decided shoes are much more comfortable in 2011!  My shirt we found at Goodwill.  I also added a hemp choker (And WOW is it itchy! How on earth did we survive wearing things like hemp and polyester?) and I got some cool owl earrings.  Add a head scarf and WELCOME TO 1974!  LOL

So as the girls arrived we started out the night playing BASKETBALL!

They actually just played HORSE.  But, they really liked it!  After about a half hour we headed in for book discussion time.  On the way in we had to laugh at ourselves and all our matching minivans!  LOL
So I guess even though we think of ourselves as nonconformist homeschoolers...we still conform!  ;^)

For discussion time I read the girls the Peek Into the Past in the back of book 2.  Then I also read to them from the book Don't Know Much About the Presidents.  Since there is such a big time just from Molly (1944) to Julie (1974) I started back in 1944 and read about all the Presidents since.  There is a good timeline at the bottom of the page.  So it gave the girls a good idea of what happened from the end of WWII to the end of the Vietnam War.  I also read to them from the DK book of Presidents the section on Richard Nixon. 

For snack we had Tuna Noodle Casserole and Herbal Sun Tea. 
I always try to tell the girls why we eat the snacks we do.  This is what I learned about Tuna Noodle Casserole...Casseroles became popular in the 1970's as more and more women joined the work force and had less and less time to cook.  The economic recession also made tuna a popular choice because it was much cheaper than most other meat options.

After our snack we worked on our MACRAME Keychains!
These are the 2 samples I made up before hand.  The link for the Macrame Video I watched to remember how to do this is here...

My daughter and a friend working together on their macrame.
All the girls working on their macrame.
The girls took to it very quickly.  The mom's thought it was harder than the girls did!  I thought they were going to kick me out of the building for a few minutes!  LOL  But, after a bit the mom's caught on.  ;^)

After craft the girls worked on a report similar to what Julie did in book 2.  At the end of the year we are going to have an American Girl Family Night and their reports about themselves will be on display.  HERE is the worksheet I gave them to get them started. 

Here they are working on their writing.
 So that's it for night 2!  I can't believe we are already through night 2!  I have looked forward to getting to Julie for 3 years and now it's going tooooooo fast!

Happy Homeschooling,


P.S. Oh, and as you can tell I happened to find head kerchiefs for all the girls this week!  They looked adorable in them!