Monday, March 28, 2011

Old Typewriter!

How awesome it was that right when we got to KIT in American Girl Club I was able to borrow a 1920's typewriter from a friend? The kids had a BLAST with it!  Even my teenager thought the typewriter was quite cool!  It seemed that there was a line for a turn on the typewriter much of the time!

I am telling you EVERYONE loved it!

My daughter wrote this little report about the typewriters of Kit's day as opposed to the laptops of today:

The typewriter was invented in 1714. The first one was invented for a blind woman.
In 1925 a typewriter weighed about 50 pounds.
In 1925 a typewriter cost about $100.00.
What a typewriter did? It put words on paper.
The first laptop was invented in 1981. It weighed 24 pounds and had a 5 inch screen.
Laptops today weigh about 7 pounds.
Laptops today cost about $500.00 to $1000.00.
What Laptops do? Connects to the internet, plays movies and video games, sends emails, calculates numbers, lets us listen to music.

A BIG THANK YOU to my sweet friend who loaned this little gem to us!

Happy Homeschooling,